Posts by kikakalde

i like stuff

Working with hot glue

Hot glue sticks are pretty cool not only because they glue though.. Except from the fact that you can make awesome sculptures with a hot glue gun, you can also cast it! Put the glue sticks on a non stick pan and heat them until they become liquid. You can cast the glue (make sure you are fast well,because its hot and it dries super fast!) You can cast it in any type of mold that is heat resistance!

Toilet paper bitches!

I think you are all familiar with this material! The fact that you are not familiar though is how to use it to make your own art! Take the toilet paper and remove the hard cardboard paper from the inside. Then live it in a container of water and mix it with white wood glue. The toilet paper is an other form of the wood pulp so you should be able to work with it at the same way. Make sure that you mix it until it is not too hard but not too soft so that you can sculpt it easily. You can leave your comments below!

Working with wood pulp

Most of us know papier mache. The gathering of newspapers or other paper source put in a mixture of glue and water. But what most of us dont know is that a better and stronger way of working with papier mache is gathering directly the wood pulp (for example we take it from our school’s wood workshop) and we add it in a mixture of water and not glue but flour! It makes the mexture more creamy and gives you an easier way of working with it. If you want to reinforce the material you can pass a layer of verniche on it’s surface. This is a very nice way to work on sculptures that are very light, strong and waterproof! Give it a try and let us know!

Melting plastic

Plastic is a very easy and fast material, the most interesting part is that when its melted it looks like wax or even water…For small amounts of plastic it can be really easy to take them piece by piece and put them near a fire (be careful though!) dont toutch the plastic because it is going to burn your skin.. Also it is preferable if you do this kind of process in an outside space because of the smell. For bigger amounts you can also melt the plastic on a pot..beware of the toxic fumes.. ;(

Good luck!

Cheap silicon molds

Hello people!

Here we are again with a badass tip! most people dont usually use to make molds out of rubber or silicon based mold in general, because it is very expencive! Well not exactly, there is a way of creating your own rubber with less than 5 €! You can buy the cheapest silicon glue and combine it with a few drops of oil and 2 cups of flour! You can mix them all together (if you want you can also add some color of any type) and then take the mixture and simply apply it on the figure you want to cast!


Working with fabric

Like always, I was wandering if its possible to “freeze” the fabric. After experimenting with mixtures of concrete,glue and colours I started bathing the fabric and when I left it to dry to my surprise it had obtained the form I left it to dry on. I then started applying it to different sculptures and here are the results! Summer time it should take aprox 4 hours to dry but in the winter you better be patient!

Working with Pig Skin

Working with real skin is not very popular at the art world. I guess this is because we don’t know how to work with it. I recently went to the butcher, and oh yes, I asked for 4 kilos of pig skin.
This is how I worked with them. First I put them on a dry place, preferably by hanging them. After all the liquids disappeared I put street salt at the inside of the skin. Great thing that happened was the crystals of the salt that were growing by the time (also a nice thing I bumped into while discovering the skin)! Within a day the skin is dry and starts tp become strong and steady.
You can clean the salt now and start playing with the skin!
Congratulations! You have just added a new material on your list!